New Beginning: Documenting My Learnings and Conquering My Anxieties

Hi there! If you’re reading this, you must have made it to my blog somehow. I don’t know if that’s a fortunate thing for you or not but let me share with you why I started this in the first place.

For the longest time, I really wanted to write my thoughts and have my own blog. What’s stopping you then, you might ask (or not).

Fear. Perfectionism. Anxiety.

I’m afraid that I might be bad at it and that people may not like it. I’m anxious that whatever I write, it might not be good enough for someone to read. After all, measuring success based on what other people think seems to be normal in this day and age, right?

What changed then? Recently, I read this book Atomic Habits by James Clear. He emphasize how small things accumulate for either the good or bad in the long run. As you do those actions and form a habit, the skills and capabilities you have grow. You become better and better and those regular and incremental changes will eventually reach critical mass.

“Breakthrough moments are often the result of many previous actions, which build up the potential required to unleash a major change.”

Atomic Habits – James Clear

It hit me hard. As a result, I realized two things:

  1. You will be bad at it; at least when you start.

There is a high likelyhood of being bad at it at the start, just like the most of us. What’s important is that I do write my thoughts and share my insights regularly. That process will help me more in building my writing skill and improving the way I think. At some point those tiny learnings and improvements as I do it regularly will add up to something significant.

  1. People don’t care; at least not as much as you think.

When we think about doing something, most people ask themselves “What will people think?” or “How will people react?”. This is exactly what I thought. Just thinking about people’s reaction to my bad writing, wrong grammar and non-sense topics is enough to deter me to put my work out there in the open. As it turns out, in reality fewer people care that much. Those who geniunely cares would even react nicely and give constructive feedback to help us improve.

So here I am, sharing this out here. Documenting my thoughts and sharing how little value this has to the world. If whatever I write here ends up being useful and impactful to just one soul. This blog has fulfilled its purpose.

Have something you wish to do but anxious to start?

Go ahead. Do it!

Learning while doing is light-years ahead of just day-dreaming while being afraid of things that might not even exist. What’s the worst thing that could happen?


  1. Thanks for sharing this, Ram! Great reminder that self-limiting beliefs (what will other people think? They will not like it so I will not do it) usually hinder us from starting something. Nice read.

    • Good point you have here, sometimes thinking of others really affect our decision in life. This would be a great help for those who were struggling right now and conquering their fears and anxieties.

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